EntertainThis Review: Rises to the Top of Paid Social Media Programs

Meet #entertainthis, an innovative online community before the movie industry’s big rally. The test of whether the community driven web campaign is effective will simply be whether or not representatives pass the anti-obesity bill. So far, the digital hash tag has already sent to over 180,000 Twitter followers and attained over 30,000 new people in the process. The campaign promises to expand the online movement against obesity and encourage members to push for change. The tag has featured celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres and weighs in at #entertainthis on Twitter.


EntertainThis uses a social media platform that allows its users to create interactive pages. The ability to use multimedia in the form of video, sound, text, and photo transitions has allowed for an unprecedented amount of visibility for the #entertainthis campaign. This type of technology has allowed a large number of individuals to get involved in the movement. Ellen DeGeneres used the opportunity to talk about her own battle with weight gain and how she gained the inspiration to begin EntertainThis. The book was released just prior to the release of her show where she discussed her book and how it changed her life.

The book talks about how she started EntertainThis as a home based business and was initially powered by word of mouth recommendations from family and friends. Through traditional channels of television and advertisements, it was not long before she was featured on multiple episodes of her popular daytime talk show. Ellen was not the only famous personality to receive the EntertainThis treatment. Other celebrities like Snoop Dogg, Martha Stewart, and Mother Nature herself have also gained the attention of the public by hosting their own shows on the online social networking site. In addition to the regular television appearances, Snoop Dogg made an appearance on Howard Stern’s radio show. While the vast majority of celebrities who are used to being on television are familiar with the concept of EntertainThis as a means to make money, there is still a portion of the population that may be unfamiliar with the way it all works.

EntertainThis caters directly to the people that want to provide entertainment for others. Ellen DeGeneres is a good example of how a celebrity can use this service because her show, and her ability to talk about it, has effectively made her a household name and a figure of fun. It is not difficult for other famous faces to entertain the at-home based business that provides them the opportunity to make money off of the recommendations of others. Because of the huge following that she has garnered, it is likely that she would not be able to do this without the backing of her network, her fans, and the advertising tools that are available for those who wish to promote EntertainThis.

The fact that there are so many people that follow celebrities on a daily basis has also created a huge base of customers for EntertainThis. There are a large number of individuals that may never have been aware that this type of business existed before. Many individuals rely on the internet and watching television for entertainment, but many people find that they are in need of something more when the television shows are over. EntertainThis caters directly to that demand, giving celebrities and their fans more ways to relax than just sitting at home watching television. For those that may have been concerned about the cost of getting involved with this type of business online, EntertainThis offers an easy payment plan, making it easy for them to get started and making it easy for others to become interested.

This particular service caters directly to the needs of those that want to be entertained online. The main goal of EntertainThis is to provide its customers with quality content, which the celebrity will then have the ability to monetize through social media outlets such as Instagram and Facebook. Celebrities are always looking for new ways to stay in front of the camera, and this type of social media allows them to do just that. EntertainThis makes it easy for these famous people to promote themselves and their business while doing so in a way that is both convenient and engaging for their fans and followers.