Who Deserves the Fame?

Celebrities and show industry are among the top most popular lifestyle subjects discussed by people around the world. A celebrity is a person who has wide public recognition and popularity through various mass mediums or channels. The term was originally coined by American humorist Mark Twain in his book. This genre offers the latest information and facts about celebrities, musicians and actors, popular personalities, and the avenues that made them famous throughout the world. These include sports celebrities, political figures, environmental issues, artists, and other entertainers who are famous for their unique personal qualities and/or status.


In the modern era, these personalities have achieved iconic status in their own right. Many of these performers are known for their longevity in Hollywood, while others became overnight sensations thanks to one very unique feature. Their ability to appeal to millions of viewers over the span of decades has given them the status of icons. Not only do they maintain massive fanbases, but their photographs and images are used as advertisements on numerous platforms. Some of these celebrities have achieved this status by simply being famous; however, others have achieved it by being in the right place at the right time.

One of the keys to understanding how celebrities reach the status of being a celebrity or actor is to understand how the entertainment business works. Actors and actresses are paid based on how popular their movies and TV shows are. In the same way, musicians and entertainers are paid based on how well their albums sell and how many tickets they sell. Unlike celebrities, entertainers are not paid based on the total number of tickets sold, but instead, on the sales made directly by fans.

This is the main reason why actors and actresses are more popular than athletes in the sports arena. Fans love to see their favorite stars and athletes so much that they will go to great lengths to see them perform and succeed in their field of endeavor. This explains why it is easier for an average person to recognize a celebrity than an athlete.

However, it is not just their field of endeavor that makes celebrities famous. Just as with athletes and actors, there are plenty of ways for actors and actresses to get famous outside of their work. There are many celebrities who have become famous for their political views, religious beliefs, or their unique hobbies. Examples of this would be singers who have been deemed popular because of their religious lyrics, political figures like George Bush, and movie stars who have been famous for being oddball characters.

Of course, some celebrities will receive more fame and money than others simply because they are more lucky than others. For example, l. celebreus is likely to have more money than the next actor or actress, simply because he was born in a year when Hollywood churns out more goldfish than any other year. However, l. celebrity does not necessarily have the advantage of longevity, since he/she is just a normal person, just with a celebrity status attached. The real star, the ones who really make the big bucks, are the actors and actresses who earn their money due to their unique skill (instead of their occupation).