EntertainThis is a new social media management tool that gives you the power to connect with other entertainers. This allows you to use your Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts to share your links with other entertainers. The key is to do this in a way that is not only fun for you, but also fun for your fans. If you are a performer, these tools can help you generate more interest in your shows, music, and videos.
First, EntertainThis allows you to add an avatar to your posts on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. You can choose many different types of avatars that will help people get to know you better. For example, some celebrities like to go from cute to funny to cute again. Others may prefer to go from high definition to standard definition. You have the ability to play off the audience to help them understand you better as a person and your opinions on various subjects.
Another great function of EntertainThis is that it allows you to use your real name. Many people don’t take them seriously when they see their name just showing up on their favorite celebrities’ page. With EntertainThis, you can proudly claim your name as a celebrity without having to use some kind of weird alter ego. This has the potential to attract even more attention to you and your social networking abilities.
With EntertainThis, you can create your own profile that features one of your favorite celebrities. If you aren’t a huge fan of that specific celebrity, you can still list all of your favorite shows or movies. This will allow your friends and fans to see your updates, whether they like them or not. This also gives you the ability to share the same page as other celebrities. When they post their own updates, you can share yours in return.
EntertainThis is different from most social networking sites because it caters directly to celebrities. Unlike other sites that just allow you to connect with friends of friends, EntertainThis gives you access to the likes of Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah, Brad Pitt, Christopher Walken, David Beckham, Tom Cruise, Britney Spears, and many more. These are the kind of names and faces most people connect with when they are watching television. You can become an instant celebrity by using EntertainThis. The site is very easy to navigate, which means that you can find out what you want to do in a snap. The fact that it caters directly to celebrities also makes it a fun place to hang out.
There are some downsides to EntertainThis, however. While it caters directly to the likes of Ellen DeGeneres and the people that watch her shows, it doesn’t allow for many people to become celebrities. It does help to keep you updated with your favorite shows, but if you aren’t a celebrity, you won’t be able to become famous on EntertainThis. Also, some people believe that this site has the same effects as spam for certain computer users.